Samena Bahleri
2 min readJun 2, 2024

From my perspective, everyone should be sceptical in every aspect of life, the reason is quite explicit, we don’t fall easily to belief. Furthermore, I place my high respect for some people who consider themselves sceptic person, especially in questioning God’s and the creations. The people who are honest sceptic about their faith.

Moreover, being a sceptic means we need a deep understanding of events or things. With a sceptic mindset, we can avoid some logical fallacies, for instance:

  • Hasty Generalization: Assuming that just a few cases are enough to make a conclusion
  • Fallacy of sweeping generalization: assuming that there is no exception
  • False cause: arises when someone incorrectly assumes that a causal relation exists between two things or events
  • Fallacy of complex question: occurs when someone asks a question that presupposes the answer to another question that has not been established or accepted by the other person
  • Fallacy of special pleading: an informal fallacy wherein one cites something as an exception to a general or universal principle, without justifying the special exception.
  • Fallacy of false analogy: making an argument that comes from a bad analogy.

And so numerous logical fallacies that we can evade make logical fallacies if we have a sceptic mindset, again, the reason is simple, we don’t trust easily, and we double-check the information before sharing it.

In conclusion, being a sceptic means we require a deep knowledge of claims, also with a sceptic mindset we can bypass logical fallacies that can cause fallacy

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